School News

Hancock LEO Charter Club called to order

by Lisa Schauer & Geoff Fox Hancock got its first junior order of the Lions and Lioness Club, arguably the town’s most active civic organization, with the organization, induction of members, and installation of officers of the Hancock LEO Club at Hancock Middle Senior High School on Friday evening, May[Read More…]

2023 school year coming to a close

by Geoff Fox When the school year started in August 2022, the end of the year was far away, but it’s getting closer as both Hancock schools and Southern Fulton schools begin the final countdown until summer break. Seniors at Southern Fulton will have their graduation at 6 p.m. on[Read More…]

Students to take part in Prom Promise

by Geoff Fox This Thursday, May 18, juniors and seniors at Hancock High School will be learning the dangers of too much partying after their prom, which is Saturday evening. On Thursday morning, folks driving by the high school may notice some activity at the school involving first responders and[Read More…]

Casey Douglas inducted into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi

Casey Douglas of Hancock, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Douglas was initiated at University of Maryland, Baltimore Campuses. Douglas is among approximately 25,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni to be initiated into Phi[Read More…]

Final school Food Pantry to be held May 16

Hancock Middle-Senior High School will be holding their final monthly food pantry on Tuesday, May 16, at 3:45 p.m. The food pantry is held on the third Tuesday of each month from October through May in the school cafeteria. Those who attend the food pantry can arrive whenever they want[Read More…]

County Schools Superintendent tours Hancock classrooms

Washington County Commissioner Wayne Keefer and Washington County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. David Sovine watch as Hancock Elementary teacher Jill Mellott helps one of her Kindergarten students on Tuesday, May 2. Keefer and Sovine toured both Hancock schools Tuesday morning. photo by Geoff Fox  

Barnhart receives Hancock Arts Council scholarship

Barnhart receives Hancock Arts Council scholarship The Hancock Arts Council presented a scholarship check to graduating Hancock High School senior Jennifer Barnhart, who will be going to Frostburg State University next year. Barnhart plays many instruments and performed at the recent Variety Show produced by the Hancock Arts Council, where[Read More…]