
Your snowy scenes

Readers and local residents shared their snow pictures with The Hancock News on Monday as kids and pets enjoyed the first snow day of 2025.

How to handle after-Christmas returns

by Geoff Fox With the Christmas rush over and all the presents have been given and opened, there might be a few of those gifts that have to go back to the store. The pants might be too small. A toy is missing pieces. The shirt might not be the[Read More…]

Free Christmas dinner Saturday

The Hancock Lions Club will host their annual Community Christmas Dinner this Saturday, December 21 at the Hancock American Legion from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The meal is free of charge and brought to the community by the Lions Club of Hancock, with the hospitality of the American Legion.

It’s Stacy–Healthy Eats: Christmas Peanut Butter Balls

Christmas Peanut Butter Balls Don’t waste your money on senseless items for Christmas gifts. My Great Grandmother, Arizona Henry, shared her love for her family and friends by baking cookies and candy. You could always count on peanut butter balls (decorated with red and green sprinkles) as part of your[Read More…]

Christmas flowers have a lasting beauty & a special history

by Kate Evans Flowering plants that have long been associated with the Christmas season can brighten your home at the holidays with their brilliant colors.  Some flowers have special symbolism while others derive their Christmas significance from legends or myths. Poinsettia The most well-known Christmas flower is the poinsettia, which[Read More…]