The Maryland State Board and Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) have announced that Maryland residents can complete a Strategic Planning Survey, which will help guide the implementation of the multi-year strategic plan to transform public education.
The Maryland State Board of Education and the Maryland State Department of Education are drafting a multi-year strategic plan for the future of Maryland’s education system.
“Public schools serve to develop our future workforce and future community leaders, and it is critical that we hear from as many people as possible as we work through this process. This work will be the basis of creating transformational change in Maryland’ s education system,” said state school officials.
They said the objective is to develop processes and create space for stakeholder input as the State Board and Maryland State Department of Education work to develop a strategic plan. The strategic plan will guide the implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.
The Survey can be found on the Maryland State Department of Education website and at this link: