Lifestyle, News

Hancock Lions Club hosts annual community Christmas dinner at the Legion

by Lisa Schauer

Seventeen turkeys were roasted, carved, served and delivered, along with all the trimmings, to around 300 people for a complementary community Christmas dinner hosted by the Hancock Lions Club at Hancock American Legion Post 26 on Saturday, December 21.

For over 20 years, the Hancock Lions Club has hosted the annual event, with the Legion donating the space, and support from the Hancock Lioness Lions Club, Leo Club, and local Girl Scout troupes.

“It’s always been a joint effort,” said Larry Gerber Sr., past president of the Hancock Lions Club, recognizing the Hancock Lioness Lions Club, and recalling the first community Christmas dinner, when the Lions Club decided to do something for the community at Christmas, and the Legion agreed to donate the space.

Members of the Berkeley Springs Lions Club and other community volunteers came to help this year, serving up heaping portions of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, along with succotash and buttered rolls on a buffet.

A table laden with an assortment of homemade cakes and pies was manned by the Hancock Lioness Lions Club.

Local Girl Scouts and Daisies served iced tea and bottled water, bussing tables and greeting guests seated family style in the dining hall.

Volunteers delivered take-out meals to the homebound, spreading the spirit of the holiday season to all corners of the community.


Members of the Hancock Leo Club, Girl Scout Troupe 15055, and Daisies Troupe 15127 offered beverages and greeted guests at the community Christmas dinner. Pictured from left, Emma Diehl, Sophia Wills, Daisies leader Emily Fox, Ady Norris, Baylee Norris, Girl Scout leader Gaela Shoop, Cayden Norris, Haeleigh Shoop, Charlotte Dionilo, Girl Scout leader Tammy Fox. Not pictured: Kylee Yost, Girl Scout Troupe 288.
Community volunteers and members of the Hancock Lioness Lions Club served desserts and greeted guests at the annual community Christmas dinner. Pictured from left, Washington County commissioner Jeff Cline, Lisa Shetron, Lioness Club president Debra Norris, Lance Hinckle, Ellie Lopez, Carmen Gorden, Diane Hinckle, Kasey Minnick, Wilma Smith, Jeanne Ward, Andrea Stotler, Trudy Bowman, Dorothy Miller. Not pictured: Roland Morgan, Karen Morgan, Anthony Jones.
Community volunteers pictured serving up a traditional Christmas dinner, from left, Gray Jones, Cindy Devereux, Ken Lesher, Amanda Burns. Not pictured: Charleigh Norris.
Pictured from left at the Hancock Lions’ annual community Christmas dinner, past president Larry Gerber Sr., Hancock Lions Club president Toby McCarty, treasurer Carl Pelton.
Faye Conley, past president of the Hancock Lioness Lions Club, serves a slice of pumpkin crumble pie at the annual community Christmas dinner. photos by Lisa Schauer