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Town meeting now set for Feb. 18

Hancock town officials cancelled this week’s monthly meeting because of forecasts for heavy winter weather on Tuesday, February 11. Instead, the Hancock Town Council will meet next Tuesday, February 18 at their regular time at Hancock Town Hall. Call 301-678-5622 for more information.

A day early, because…winter

This weekly “Wednesday” edition of the paper has been printed early this week because of the anticipated forecast for bad weather on Tuesday into Wednesday. We value the safety of our employees and our customers, so we’re getting the paper out ahead of schedule to avoid any distribution difficulties. Good[Read More…]

Dolores Dorrier Rollins

Dolores Dorrier Rollins 1930-2025 Dolores Dorrier Rollins, 94, of Hancock, Md., passed away on Monday, February 3, 2025, at Fahrney-Keedy Home in Boonsboro, Md. Dolores was born May 31, 1930, in Hancock, Md., to Herman C. and Evelyn M. (Bishop) Dorrier. Dolores graduated from Hancock High School in 1948. She[Read More…]

Virginia Kay Poffinberger

Virginia Kay Poffinberger 1955-2025 Kay passed from this earth on the morning of January 31st 2025. She was a beloved wife of 48 years, a sister, a mother, grand & great grandmother who loved all her many animals and the little ones which would bring her joy and love. She[Read More…]

Wilford Frelon Mincher

Wilford Frelon Mincher 1954-2025 Wilford Frelon Mincher, age 70, of Berkeley Springs, W.Va., passed away on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at his home surrounded by his loving family and while under the care of Hospice of the Panhandle. Born July 11, 1954 in Baltimore, Md., he was the son of[Read More…]

Maryland Office of Financial Regulation joins $80 million enforcement action against cash app Block, Inc.

The Maryland Department of Labor’s Office of Financial Regulation and 47 other state financial regulatory agencies reached a settlement with Block, Inc., for violations of Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and anti-money laundering (AML) laws that safeguard the financial system from illicit use. More than 50 million consumers in the United[Read More…]

Maryland added over 38,000 total jobs in 2024, new data shows

Maryland added 38,400 jobs in 2024 (27,300 in the private sector) and employment grew at a 1.4 percent growth rate, according to preliminary end-of-year employment estimates released today by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This data, based on surveys of employers, also notes that Maryland’s[Read More…]

Little Orleans house destroyed by fire

A fire destroyed a house in Little Orleans the morning of Monday, January 27, just after 8:30 a.m. According to the Maryland State Fire Marshall, Jerry Miller discovered the fire at the two-story residence in the 11200 block of Price Road in Little Orleans. The Fire Marshall did not say[Read More…]

Hancock Police Report February 5

Hancock Police report the following arrests and incidents from the week of Monday, January 27, through Sunday, February 2: January 27 First block West Main Street, disorderly – Subject advised of options. Hancock area, traffic enforcement – two stops. January 28 Taliaferro Street, unsecured door – house checked, door secured.[Read More…]