Public Notice

Temporary detour on Creek Road

by Geoff Fox The Washington County Division of Engineering announced a temporary detour on Creek Road beginning Thursday, June 27, through Friday, June 28, due to bridge construction improvements conducted by the State Highway Administration contractor Triton Construction, Inc. The detour will be between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. In[Read More…]

Hancock now has speed signs

by Geoff Fox If you’ve driven west on Main Street or east on High Street lately, you may have noticed a digital sign with “Your Speed” on it and flashing lines or your speed. These signs were recently installed on the speed limit sign at the old car wash on[Read More…]

County Commissioners adopt new building and electrical codes for Washington County, set public informational meetings

The Washington County Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday, February 27 adopted the 2021 Building Code and the 2020 National Electrical Code (NEC) for Washington County. They will become effective July 1, 2024. “To ensure transparency and provide valuable information to the public regarding the new building code,” county officials[Read More…]

Smithsburg chosen as third early voting location for county Hancock doesn’t make cut for ‘24 early voting site

by Geoff Fox The Washington County Board of Elections has announced the three sites for early voting in the 2024 election. Despite earlier consideration, Hancock is not one of those locations. Last Wednesday, February 28, the Board of Elections announced three locations for early voting in the upcoming primary election.[Read More…]

School to hold food pantry on February 20

Hancock Middle-Senior High School will be holding their monthly food pantry on Tuesday, February 20, at 3:45 p.m. The food pantry is held on the third Tuesday of each month during the school year through May in the school’s cafeteria. Those who attend the food pantry can arrive whenever they[Read More…]