Medieval Days will be returning to Joseph Hancock Park, 167 West Main Street, Hancock, on September 30-October 1, from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. both days.
Medieval Days is a historic reenactment time-line event that entertains and educates visitors in an immersive, hands-on and fun experience.
Open to the public, guests can visit a series of living history camps that welcome you to participate in slices of life in times past.
No matter your interests or age, Medieval Days is a family-friendly event that offers everyone a chance to participate in daily life as it was in ages past. You can try on a piece of a knight’s armor, discuss with a barber-surgeon whether leeches can really help in healing or see if you can beat the games-master at a round of Nine Men’s Morris. Discover what a Lady-in Waiting has tucked away in her purse. and have the sword instructor show you how to parry a blow, argue with an archer about which bow is better, a long-bow or a crossbow and watch a blacksmith make a piece of Viking jewelry at his forge. You can listen to a bag-pipe’s marching tune and discuss the rumors about who will be the King to emerge from England’s War of the Roses.
Each camp is composed of members from award-winning associations and nonprofit organizations; reenactors who share a common love of the stories, artifacts, skills, and ideas that we call the “Middle Ages.” Composed of craftsmen, authors, curators, martial art instructors, historians, tradespeople, and others, each camp focuses on a particular period and place.
The Wilde Irish represent Gaelic-Irish soldiers rebelling against the English Tudor Crown. The Paston Project portrays family life during the War of the Roses, a war to decide which royal lineage was to rule England. La Belle Compagnie focuses on the 100 Y ears W ar between England and France, a war to determine who is the rightful King of France. Njörðr’s Wanderers explain that the Vikings didn’t just raid and loot, but also were proficient traders along routes extending from the Middle East to North America.
For more information, email MainStreetHancock@