
Barr joins board of Maryland Association of Counties

Commissioner President John F. Barr of Washington County was installed along with his peers as a 2025 Maryland Association of Counties Board Member/Officer. Commissioner President Barr is rejoining the board, having previously served as association President in 2016.

“It is an honor to rejoin the MACo Board of Directors and serve alongside such dedicated leaders from across Maryland,” said Commissioner President John F. Barr. “MACo plays a vital role in advocating for counties, and I look forward to working with my peers to address important issues and advance initiatives that benefit our communities statewide.”

Commissioner John Barr

The Maryland Association of Counties Board of Directors comprises 16 county elected officials who are selected by the membership to serve the Association’s interests, oversee its management and strategic direction, and strengthen relationships with other entities. The Board works collaboratively with the Association Legislative Committee, which sets policy positions and directs legislative advocacy priorities for the Association.

The 2025 slate of MACo Board Members and Officers is as follows:


Jack Wilson, Commissioner, Queen Anne’s County – President

MC Keegan-Ayer, Council Member, Frederick County – 1st Vice President

Lenny Pfeffer, Council President, Dorchester County – 2nd Vice President

Paul Edwards, Commissioner President, Garrett County – Secretary

Steuart Pittman, County Executive, Anne Arundel County – Treasurer

Dr. Calvin Ball, County Executive, Howard County – Past President


Sharon Green Middleton, Vice President, Baltimore City Council

Ed Rothstein, Commissioner President, Carroll County

Reuben Collins II, Commissioner President, Charles County

Bob Cassilly, County Executive, Harford County

Marc Elrich, County Executive, Montgomery County

Tara Jackson, Acting County Executive, Prince George’s County

Randy Guy, President, Commissioners of St. Mary’s County

Craig Mathies, Commissioner, Somerset County

John Barr, Commissioner President, Washington County

Chip Bertino, Commissioner, Worcester County

These individuals were elected by the membership during the Association’s Winter Conference Business Meeting to serve in MACo’s top leadership positions.

The Maryland Association of Counties is the non-profit, non-partisan voice of all 24 Maryland counties, promoting effective and efficient government through advocacy, education, and collaboration.

The Association’s membership consists of county elected officials and representatives from Maryland’s 23 counties and Baltimore City.