by Geoff Fox
Town officials held a public hearing to determine if the property at 77 West Main Street, formerly known as Weaver’s Restaurant, was needed for a public purpose or to be sold.
The property was purchased by the town on June 22, 2023, from King Tut, LLC.
The purpose of the public hearing was to find out from the public if the property was indeed needed for a public purpose or not, in which case the town could declare it surplus property and dispose of it.

There were no comments from the public regarding naming the property as surplus.
Later, during the town meeting, Town Attorney Ed Kuczynski told town officials if they are willing to move forward with declaring the property no longer needed for public use, or surplus property, they could introduce the ordinance during the meeting with a follow up meeting to vote and pass the ordinance.
If it is passed, with the ordinance Kuczynski drafted, town officials should introduce it.
“My recommendation will be if you’ re going to move forward, that you go ahead and introduce the ordinance,” he said. “That way you’ll be able to stay within the timeline you set.”
An ad for a request for proposal ran last week in The Hancock News for 77 West Main Street.
According to the ad, sealed proposals are to be received at Town Hall through November 13 at 3 p.m. and bid booklets may be obtained at Town Hall.
That is assuming the ordinance would become effective after being voted on at a special town meeting on October 19. After 20 days, the ordinance would become effective on November 8.
Bids and proposals could then be opened at the November town meeting on Tuesday, November 14. Kuczynski said town officials could table the proposals to look at them further or accept them that night.
Town officials, shortly before the end of the meeting, officially introduced the ordinance declaring the old Weaver’s Restaurant to be surplus property.