by Geoff Fox
Next Thursday is Halloween and things begin to get spooky around Hancock starting this Saturday.
This Saturday, October 26, there will be a couple of chances for kids to feed their sweet tooth as there are three areas for them to go Trick or Treating this year.
Hancock Little League will be sponsoring a Trunk or Treat Fright Fest on the Field that night from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Kirkwood Park.
There will be hayrides, games for kids and adults, snack bar, a 50/50, and more.
Also Saturday evening, the Town of Hancock is holding their Trick or Treat in town from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.
Out on the ridges, east of town, there will be door-to- door Trick or Treat from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. on Saturday, October 26, as well.
That area includes –White Oak Road, Heavenly Acres, Weller Road, Hollow Road, Bain Road, Maple Ridge Road, Slabtown Road, Tollgate Road, Grason Lane, Orchard Ridge Road, Or- chard Ridge Church of God, Millstone Road, and Sandy Jaks Country Crossroads.
If you plan to participate or are heading out that way for Trick or Treat, organizers on the ridge as people to use their 4-way lights on their vehicles, putting lights on your child, and those who are participating marking their mailboxes with an orange balloon or putting a sign in their yard to show they are participating.
The organizers for Trick or Treat on the Ridges caution that the event is an “at your own risk” event.”
Next Wednesday, October 30, the Hancock Rotary will be present the 77th annual Hancock Halloween Parade at 7 p.m.
The parade runs from Widmeyer Park to the TriAngle Restaurant.
Bands from area high schools, costumed marchers, floats, and various groups will be judged and awarded prizes.
There will be no rain date this year.