by Lisa Schauer
Now in its 11th year, Hancock Helping Hands back to school supply event was held at Widmeyer Park on Saturday, August 10.
A line of vehicles moved continuously in a double drive-through configuration set up in front of the library.
Volunteers from Orchard First Church of God and Hancock Presbyterian Church filled tables with backpacks, school supplies, hygiene products, socks and underwear, and baby care items to give away.
Free bag lunches were handed to each occupant as vehicles pulled up. No registration was required, and anyone with a need was welcome.
Organizers estimate about 500 people from across the tri-state area were served during the charitable event.
School begins in Washington County Schools on Monday, August 26. School starts in nearby Morgan County, W.Va. on Tuesday, August 20 and in Southern Fulton Schools on Wednesday, August 21.
“We want to be a blessing to our community. People are struggling more now than 11 years ago,” said Kristie Stotler, coordinator of Hancock Helping Hands.
Pastor Terry Martin-Minnich with Hancock Presbyterian Church said they are a small church, but they are very involved in the community.
Community Picnic and Ice Cream Social next Saturday
On Saturday, August 17 starting at 11:30 a.m., Hancock Presbyterian Church will host a picnic lunch and ice cream social at their new Eagle Scout outdoor chapel.
Gospel and patriotic band “Solid Ground” will perform. This event is free and open to the public.