The Hancock Lioness Lions Club celebrated their 10th Anniversary on June 10 at the Berkeley Springs Brewing Company.
There were eight clubs in attendance: Hancock Lioness Lions, Hancock Lions, Williamsport Lions, Chews-ville Lions, South Carroll Lions, Boonsboro Lions, Greater Carroll Lions and Berkeley Springs Lions.
District Governor Jeremy Bair rededicated the charter and inducted new officers for the 2024-25 year and also inducted three new members: Diane Hinckle, Lance Hinckle and Connie Hull.
The theme of the event was “Hats.” Guests were to wear a hat and were awarded prizes in different categories. Our club’ s secretary, Lion Faye Conley, is known throughout the district as “The Hat Lady.”
The Hancock Lioness Lions Club is very active in the community. They assist with vision testing at the elementary school and at
Good Shepherd Day Care Center. They donate books and other items to local schools. They award scholarships to Hancock and Southern Fulton high school students and sponsor essay and poster contests to students. The club participates in National Night Out, the Halloween Parade and have spaghetti dinners several times a year and an open mic once a month.
All proceeds from the shows they put on at the Hancock Community Center and sale of candy bars go toward vision and diabetes awareness, the environment, pediatric cancer, hunger, youth, disaster relief and humanitarian assistance.
The club also collects food items for the food bank and Micah’ s Backpack. They plant flowers at the town sign and pick up trash along the canal. They offer free books at the Little Library on Main Street and have hymn sings at the Monterey House at Christmas and hand out fruit and cookies to the residents.
They collect used eye glasses and hearing aids to be recycled for those in need. They are sponsors of LEADERDOG for the blind and served breakfast to participants of the National Pike Festival Wagon Train.
The Lions Club is a service organization and is always looking for new members. It is a worthwhile organization
and helps millions of people. Our motto is “WE SERVE.”