
Hancock senior center closes briefly during retirement transition

by Geoff Fox

Signs on the Hancock Congregate Nutrition Site doors last week announced the site was temporarily closed. The site was reopened on Monday, February 5, for a regular schedule.

If you drove by the Town of Hancock digital sign on Pennsylvania A venue last week, you may have noticed the Hancock Senior Center panel said the facility was temporarily closed.

The reason for the temporary closure was the retirement of manager Hazel Dunn and the Commission on Aging search for a new manager.

Town Manager Mike Faith said the site was only closed from last Wednesday through this week.

In that time, the town was able to go in and do some work that needed completed in that part of the Town Hall and Community Center building.

The site was closed for a few days and reopened on Monday, February 5, and will have the normal schedule of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Chief Operating Officer for the Washington County Commission on Aging Sandy Wood said the site got routine, preventive maintenance during the short closure.

Dunn’s retirement came after 12 years of running the Hancock site.

“We are very thankful for all of Hazel Dunn’s service to our seniors and the residents of Hancock,” Wood said in an email.

Since Dunn’s retirement, Wood said the site has been continuously fully operated under the supervision of the congregate site program manager.

Right now, the Commission on Aging is in the process of seeking a new Nutrition Site Specialist for Hancock.

“The Washington County Commission on Aging, Inc. operates seven unique congregate nutrition sites through the county Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,” Wood said.

Those locations provide seniors age 60 and older freshly prepared, noontime meals, as well as opportunities for socialization, recreation, and education.