News, Police

Hancock Police report

Hancock Police report the following arrests and incidents from the week of August 7-13:

August 7

Service to advise, 100 block East Main Street. Subject advised.

Service to advise, first block West Main Street. Subject advised.

Traffic direction, Pennsylvania Avenue/High Street. Tractor-trailer going wrong direction. Truck moved in safe direction.

Traffic complaint, Hancock area. Attempt to locate vehicle.

911 hang-up, 200 block West Main Street. Unfounded.

Assisted Washington County Sheriff’ s Office, 12,000 block Indian Springs Road. Missing person.

August 8

Suspicious vehicle, 200 block West Main Street. Vehicle was delivery vehicle.

Traffic enforcement, Hancock area, six stops.

Assisted CPS, 100 block North Pennsylvania Avenue. Check on subject.

Assisted Washington County Sheriff’ s Office, 9000 block Corner Road. Suspicious vehicle.

Assisted Washington County Sheriff’ s Office, 5000 block Creek Road. Attempt to locate vehicle.

Assisted Maryland State Police, westbound 7-mile marker I-70. Attempt to locate vehicle.

August 9

Property damage accident, 200 block Jackson Street. Information given.

Traffic hazard, first block Pennsylvania Avenue. Tractor-trailer stuck. Returned in safe direction.

Suspicious vehicle, 200 block West Main Street. Checked okay.

Service to advise, Hancock area. Subject advised.

Traffic enforcement, Hancock area, three stops.

August 10

Death, 100 block Limestone Road. Report to follow. Service to advise, Hancock

area. Subject advised. Property damage, accident.

Information taken.

Service to advise, 100 block Limestone Road. Subject advised.

Traffic complaint, West Main Street. Unable to locate vehicle.

Domestic, 100 block Franklin Street. Subjects advised.

Domestic, 100 block Limestone Road. V erbal subjects advised.

Alarm, 100 block West High Street. Assist Hancock Fire Department.

Indecent exposure, 200 block East Main Street. Subjects advised.

August 11

Traffic enforcement, Hancock area, eight stops.

Check well being, 100 block East Main Street. Subject checked okay.

Found property, 100 block East Main Street. Property returned to owner.

Lost property, 100 block West High Street. Information taken.

911 hang-up, 200 block Resley Street. Unfounded.

Assisted Morgan County Sheriff’ s Department, Rt. 522. Traffic stop.

Assisted Maryland State Police, 500 block East Main Street. Suspicious vehicle.

Assisted Maryland State Police, 1-mile marker westbound I-70. Disorderly subject.

August 12

Traffic enforcement, Hancock area, five stops.

Traffic complaint, first block West Main Street. Vehicle stopped.

Urination in public, Widmeyer Park. Subject advised to use the bathroom facility.

Theft reported, first block West Main Street. Report to follow.

August 13

Traffic enforcement, Hancock area, four stops.

Service to advise, first block Pennsylvania Avenue. Subject advised.

Traffic hazard, Berm Road. Tree in roadway.

Traffic hazard, 12,000 McKinley Drive. Tractor-trailer stuck in roadway. Got turned around and in safe direction.