News, Police

Hancock Police Report

Hancock Police report the following arrests and incidents from the week of June 12-18:

June 12

911 hang-up, first block West Main Street. Unfounded.

911 hang-up, first block West Main Street. Accidental.

911 hang-up, first block West Main Street. Accidental.

Service to advise, 100 block High Street. Subjects advised.

Property damage accident, Pennsylvania Avenue. Information exchanged.

Alarm, 300 block North Pennsylvania Avenue. Accidental.

Check well being, Blue Hill Road. Gone on arrival/unable to locate.

Parking complaint, 100 block West Main Street. Vehicle checked.

Traffic enforcement, Hancock area, three stops.

Assisted Maryland State Police, westbound I-70 and I-68. Traffic control.

June 13

911 hang-up, 200 block Resley Street. Accidental.

Traffic enforcement, Hancock area, two stops.

Harassment, 100 block West Main Street. Subjects advised.

Malicious destruction of property, 200 block Old Rt. 40. Investigation open.

Check well being, 100 block Limestone Road. Subject checked okay.

Police information, Riser Road. Information taken.

June 14

Harassment, 200 block West Main Street. Subject advised.

Traffic enforcement, Hancock area, two stops.

Driving while intoxicated, 300 block Pennsylvania Avenue. Misty Marie Stotler, 34, of Hancock was arrested.

Assisted Maryland State Police, 3-mile marker westbound I-70. Deer in roadway.

June 15

Traffic enforcement, Hancock area, one stop.

Parking complaint, Canal lot. Warning issued.

Trespassing, first block East Main Street. Subject removed.

911 hang-up, 100 block Rayloc Drive. Accidental.

Assisted non-police agency, 100 block Franklin Street.

911 hang-up, Hancock area. Unfounded.

911 hang-up, 100 block Pennsylvania Avenue. Unfounded.

911 hang-up, 100 block Pennsylvania Avenue. Accidental.

Check well being, 100 block Pennsylvania A venue. Checked okay.

Police information, 100 block High Street.

Assisted National Park Service, Berm Road area. Disorderly subject.

June 16

Service to advise, Hancock area. Subject advised.

Weapons/discharge, 100 block Fairview Drive. Complaint was fireworks subject advised.

Traffic enforcement, Hancock area, two stops.

Assisted Maryland State Police, 1-mile marker eastbound I-70. Disabled vehicle.

Assisted Maryland State Police, 400 block East Main Street. Check well being. Subject checked okay.

June 17

911 hang-up, first block East Main Street. Unfounded. 911 hang-up, 100 block

Wabash Street. Unfounded. Traffic enforcement,

Hancock area, four stops. Theft reported, Canal

Street. Information taken. Disabled vehicle, eastbound I-70.

Assisted Washington County Sheriff’s Office, 3000 block Resley Road. 911 hang-up, unfounded.

June 18

Service to advise, Hancock area. Subject advised.

Traffic enforcement, Hancock area, one stop.

Assisted Washington County Sheriff’s Office, 14,000 block Tulip Lane. Custody issue, subjects advised.