
County board of elections to manually audit sample of 2022 ballots

The Washington County Board of Elections has announced that, in compliance with state law, they will manually audit a sample of voted ballots. This audit must be performed after each general election.

The Washington County Board of Elections will conduct the Manual Ballot Audit of the 2022 General Election starting on Tuesday, February 7 at 9 a.m.

In the event of inclement weather, the manual ballot audit will take place on Thursday, February 9 starting at 9 a.m. This audit may take one day and will take place at the Washington County Board of Elections, located at 17718 Virginia Avenue in Hagerstown.

“The Washington County Board of Elections will manually tally a sample of votes cast for the Office of the Governor/Lt. Governor and compare the results of the manual tally against the results from the voting system. This process will determine whether the voting system accurately counted ballots during the 2022 General Election,” the county said in a press release notice.

The State Board of Elections randomly selected the early voting center and election day precinct(s) to be audited, and the Washington County Board of Elections randomly selected the mail in and provisional ballots to be audited.

Starting on Thursday, February 7, the Washington County Board of Elections will manually tally the votes for Governor/Lt. Governor on:

1. 379 ballots cast on one scanning unit on the first day of early voting at the Washington County Election Center,
2. 750 ballots cast on election day at Precinct(s) 18-2/18-4, Maranatha Brethren Church,
3. 30 Mail in Ballots,
4. 15 Provisional Ballots.