News, Police

Hancock Police Report

Hancock Police Chief James Robison reported the following arrests and incidents from the week of November 30-December 4:

November 30

Traffic enforcement in Hancock area. One stop.

December 1

Assisted EMS in the 1400 block of White Oak Ridge.

Traffic enforcement Hancock area. Two stops.

December 2

Assisted EMS in the 1200 block McKinley Drive.

Assisted Washington County Sheriff’s Office with reports of a suspicious person in the 4000 block Creek Road.

Check well-being in the 100 block of W est Main Street. Subject checked okay.

Theft report on Hess Road. Report to follow.

Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area. One stop.

December 3

Community policing on first block West Main Street. Helped with Shop With a Cop.

Suspicious person in the 200 block West Main Street. Subject checked okay.

Service to advise on Maryland Avenue. Lost dog. Unable to locate.

Traffic complaint on Pennsylvania Avenue. Unable to locate.

Suspicious vehicle on Terrace Street. Subject advised.

Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area. One stop.

Check well-being in the 100 block East Main Street. Charges pending for DUI on subject from Hancock.

December 4

Assisted Washington County Sheriff’s Office to check well-being in the 5000 block Creek Road. Checked okay.

Traffic hazard on East Main Street. Unable to locate. Traffic enforcement in the

Hancock area. Two stops.