
Police Report – September 14, 2022

Hancock Police report the following arrests and incidents from the week of August 29-September 11:
August 29
School checks in the 200 block of West Main Street.
Suspicious vehicle in the 100 block of West Main Street. Vehicle and subject checked ok.
Service to advise in the first block of Methodist Avenue. Subject advised.
August 30
Lost/Found property in Widmyer Park. Bicycle at police department.
Assist EMS in the 200 block of Pennsylvania Avenue.
Attended death in the 500 block of Quaker Creek.
Traffic complaint on Creek Road. Unable to locate.
August 31
Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with six stops.
Disorderly conduct in the 100 block of West High Street. Subject checked and moved on.
Service to advise in the Hancock area. Subject advised.
911 hang-up in the 100 block of West High Street. Unfounded.
Traffic complaint in the 100 block of West Main Street.
September 1
Alarm in the 100 block of West Main Street. Accidental.
Alarm in the 100 block of West Main Street. Accidental.
Alarm in the 200 block of Park Road. Accidental.
Personal accident in the 200 block of East Main Street. Report to follow.
Service to advise in the Hancock area. Subject advised.
Police information in the 200 block of East Main Street. Subject advised.
Lost/found property in the 100 block of High Street. Found wallet.
Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with three stops.
Suspicious person on Park Road. Subject checked okay and moved on.
Assist Maryland State Police at the 3-mile marker of westbound I-70 for a disable vehicle.
September 2
Animal complaint in the first block of Methodist Avenue. Humane Society called.
Service to advise in the 100 block of West Main Street. Subject advised.
Suspicious vehicle in the 100 block of Limestone Road. Vehicle information taken.
Assist EMS in the first block of Fulton Street. Overdose.
Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with nine stops.
Service to advise in the 200 block of East Main Street. Subject advised.
September 3
Fraud in the 100 block of Washington Street. Information taken.
Personal accident in the first block of West Main Street. Report to follow.
911 hang up in the 100 block of West High Street. Accidental.
Fraud in the 100 block of Washington Street. Report to follow.
Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with seven stops.
Property accident on West Main Street. Information exchanged.
Unsecured door in the 100 block of East Main Street. Checked okay and secured.
Domestic in the 100 block of West Main Street. Information taken.
September 4
Burglary in the first block of West Main Street. Information taken.
Animal complaint in Widmeyer Park. Found dog.
Drug violation in the first block of West Main Street. Information taken.
Warrant service in the 400 block of Whispering Wind Road. Warrant served on Shana Stokes, 30, of Hancock.
Suspicious person in Widmeyer Park. Subject checked and moved on.
Service to advise in the Hancock area. Subject advised.
Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with five stops.
September 5
911 hang-up in the 100 block of West Main Street. Medical and no police needed.
Police information in the 100 block of High Street. Information taken.
September 6
Property damage accident in the first block of Blue Hill Road. Information exchanged.
911 hang-up in teh first block of Blue Hill Road. Accidental.
Assist EMS in the 100 block of West High Street. Subject found and okay.
Suspicious person in the first block of East Main Street. Subject gone and unable to locate.
September 7
Service to advise in the 500 block of Quaker Creek. Subject advised.
Personal accident in the first block of Blue Hill Road. Report to follow.
Property damage accident in the first block of Blue Hill Road. Information exchanged.
Property damage accident in the 200 block of East Main Street. Information taken.
Police information in the 100 block of High Street. Information taken.
Indecent exposure in the 300 block of Pennsylvania Avenue. Subject gone on arrival and unable to locate.
Suspicious vehicle in the 200 block of East Main Street. Subject checked okay and moved on.
Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with one stop.
Assist Washington County Sheriff’s Office with a traffic hazard in the 5000 block of Creek Road.
Assist Morgan County Sheriff’s Office in the 2000 block of River Road.
September 8
Undesirable in the first block of Blue Hill Road. Subject removed and moved on his way.
Suspicious person in the first block of East Main Street. Subject advised and moved along.
Traffic enforcement with two stops in the Hancock area.
Lost/found car keys in the area of Virginia Avenue and West High Street. Keys are at the police department.
Traffic complaint on Ford Drive. Vehicle stopped and issued citations.
September 9
Parking complaint in the 200 block of East Main Street. Vehicle was moved.
911 hang up in the 200 block of West Main Street. Area checked.
Check welfare in the 12000 block of McKinley Drive. Subject checked okay.
Assist Maryland State Police with a disabled vehicle in the area of the I-68 rest stop.
Service to advise on Franklin Street. Out of control juvenile.
Traffic enforcement with five stops.
September 10
Alarm on Limestone Road. Accidental.
Assist Washington County Sheriff’s Office on Millstone Circle with a welfare check. Subject transported to the hospital.
Welfare check on Limestone Road. EMS transported.
Disorderly subject in the 100 block of West Main Street. Subject gone on arrival.
Assist Washington County Sheriff’s Office in the 5000 block of Creek Road. Domestic related.
Service to advise on Blue Hill Road. Assist to retrieve belongings.
Assist Washington County Sheriff’s Office on Millstone Circle. Family dispute.
September 11
Accident in the first block of Blue Hill Road. Report taken.
Alarm in the 11000 block of McKinley Drive. Checked okay.
911 hang up in the 12000 block of McKinley Dirve. Checked area.
Check welfare at the 79-mile marker of I-68. Intoxicated subject removed from the interstate.