Hancock Police report the following arrests and incidents from the week of July 18-24:
July 18
Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with three stops.
Assisted West Virginia State Police. Information exchanged.
Property damage accident in the 100 block of Pennsylvania Avenue. Information exchanged.
Alarm in the first block of South Street. Accidental.
Assisted Morgan County Sheriff’ s Office. Attempt to locate. Information taken.
Alarm in the 100 block of West Main Street. All checked okay.
July 19
Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with three stops.
Traffic hazard on Creek Road. Subject blowing grass on roadway. Subject was advised.
Alarm in the 100 block of West Main Street. Accidental.
July 20
Traffic complaint in the first block of East Main Street. Subject advised.
Parking complaint in the 100 block of Franklin Street. Vehicle issued a warning.
Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with two stops. Assisted Washington County Sheriff’s Office with a domestic in the 14,000 block of Tulip Lane.
July 21
Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with five stops. Suspicious person in the 100 block of West Main Street. Subject checked out okay and sent on his way.
Alarm in the 200 block of Park Road. Accidental. Service to advise in the 100 block of Washington Street.
Subject advised.
Suspicious vehicle on Jackson Street. Subject and vehicle checked out.
Assisted Washington
County Sheriff’ s Office in the 15,000 block of Green Lane Road. Mental disturbance.
Assisted Washington County Sheriff’s Office with a domestic in the 9000 block of Corner Road.
July 22
CDS/drug violation in Widmeyer Park. Matthew Scott Shepherd Concillio, 33, of Berkeley Springs, was charged.
Theft reported in the 200 block of Park Road. Subject found and report to follow.
Community policing in the first block of West Main Street. Police sponsored movie night at Martha’s House.
911 hang-up in the 100 block of Washington Street. Accidental.
Alarm in the 100 block of West Main Street. Accidental.
Domestic in the 200 block of West High Street. Subjects advised.
Assisted EMS at the Park-n-Ride on East Main Street.
July 23
911 hang-up in the first block of Blue Hill. Accidental.
Theft reported in the 100 block of West Main Street. Report to follow.
Traffic hazard in the 100 block of Baptist Road. Tree down due to storm.
July 24
Service to advise in the 100 block of Washington Street. Subject advised.
Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with five stops. 911 hang-up in the 100 block of West Main Street. Accidental.
Assisted Washington
County Sheriff’s Office in the 14000 block of Maple Ridge Road. Check well being.