Hancock Police report the following arrests and incidents from the week of May 23-29:
May 23
Parking complaint on West Main Street. Warning issued. Assault investigation follow-ups on East Main Street. Case is still under investigation.
Traffic complaint in the 100 block of East Main Street. Unable to locate.
911 hang up in the 100 block of Franklin Street. Unfounded.
Attended death in the first block of East Main Street.
Service to advise in the first block of East Main Street. Subject advised.
Domestic in Widmeyer Park. Report to follow.
May 25
911 hang up in the 500 block of Quaker Creek. Unfounded.
School checks. All okay.
911 hang up in the 200 block of West Main Street. Unfounded.
Police information in the 200 block of Old Rt. 40.
Police information in the 200 block of Myers Street.
Theft reported in the 200 block of Myers Street. Misunderstanding and case resolved.
Disorderly conduct in the first block of Blue Hill Road. Subjects advised.
Assist Washington County Sheriff’s Office in the 13000 block o f Mill Stone Circle.
Assist Washington County Sheriff’ s Office on Deneen Road.
Property damage accident in the 5000 block of Western Pike. Vehicle vs. deer. Information given.
May 26
Service to advise in the first block of East Main Street. Subject advised.
Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with one stop.
Service to advise in the 100 block of W est High Street. Subject advised.
May 27
Assist Maryland State Po- lice with a missing person in the Hancock area.
Fraud in the 200 block of East Main Street. Subject advised.
Service to advise in the 100 block of High Street. Subject advised.
Traffic hazard in the 200 block of West Main Street. Vehicle was towed.
May 28
Undesirable at West Main Street and Pennsylvania A venue. Subject checked okay and sent on his way.
Trespassing in the 200 block of West Main Street. Subject given ride to Berkeley Springs.
Theft reported in the 100 block of West Main Street. Information taken.
Parking complaint on Canal Street. Warning issued. Traffic enforcement in the Hancock area with two stops. Attempt to locate vehicle in the Hancock area. Possible intoxicated driver. Unable to
Assist Maryland State Po- lice with a fatal traffic accident on westbound I-70 at the 2-mile marker.
Alarm on Ford Drive. Accidental by workers.
Public nuisance on Lime- stone Road. Subject panhandling for money. Subjects walked away when officer arrived.
Domestic assault on Myers Street. Arrest of Summer VanPelt, 24, of Hancock, and Ryan Forgione, 22, of Hancock.
Warrant arrest on Myers Street. Summer VanPelt, 24, of Hancock, was arrested on a warrant out of Pennsylvania.