Hancock Police report the following arrests and incidents from the week of Monday, January 27, through Sunday, February 2:
January 27
First block West Main Street, disorderly – Subject advised of options.
Hancock area, traffic enforcement – two stops.
January 28
Taliaferro Street, unsecured door – house checked, door secured.
100 block West Main Street, community policing – Presentation to Child Care facility.
Hancock area, traffic enforcement – four stops.
January 29
Veterans Parkway, alarm – accidental.
100 block West High Street, missing person – Subject located in county.
100 block Fulton Street, suspicious person – Wanted subject out of West Virginia, extradition not approved.
Allegany Line Road, burglary in progress – No evidence of burglary, handled by Washington County Sheriff’s Office.
200 block West High Street, traffic arrest – Keirsten Yeakle, 28, of Hancock, driving without license.
Hancock area, traffic enforcement – one stop.
January 30
Dale Street, death investigation – report filed.
Hancock area, traffic enforcement – five stops.
January 31
Hancock area, Maryland Home Improvement Commission – Charges filed related to Hancock case, Michael Pilotti, 42, of Cumberland, and Joshua Fraley, 29, of Hagerstown, charged with multiple counts of contractor violations.
Hancock area, traffic enforcement – one stop.
February 1
200 block West Main Street, found dog – Returned to owner.
Hancock area, traffic enforcement – five stops.
February 2
Heavenly Acres Ridge, disturbance – Assisted Maryland State Police.