
Keefer to step down from County Commission

by Kate Shunney

Hancock native Wayne Keefer has announced he will step down from his elected position on the Washington County Board of County Commissioners at the end of February, citing the need to spend more time with his family and to pursue his professional goals.

Wayne Keefer

Keefer made the announcement at the Tuesday, January 28 meeting of the Board of County Commissioners and shared his letter outlining his plans with The Hancock News on Tuesday morning.

Keefer is a third-term commissioner, having been appointed to the board in 2016 and then re-elected to his seat twice.

In his letter to his colleagues announcing his plans to step down on February 21, Keefer said he “never intended for elected office to become a career” and has always worked outside of being a member of the County Commission.

“In my opinion, I believe the most efficient and honest government possible is practiced by individuals who serve on a temporary basis, and who know the struggles and triumphs of the ordinary person, because they, too, are ordinary people, working hard for their families,” Keefer wrote in his January 28 letter.

He credited his wife with being patient as he campaigned and has attended meetings, but said he feels pulled to spend more time with her and his preschool daughter.

“I often feel that I don’t get to spend the time with my family that I want, and this weighs heavily on me at times.”

“While I planned to serve the remainder of my term, I have been blessed with a work opportunity that is good for my career, and even better for my family,” Keefer wrote. “As it will require more of my professional attention, I have made the decision to step down as County Commissioner.”

He said the move will become effective on February 21, as that delay will allow him time to transition some of his responsibilities to others and finalize some of his work as commissioner.

In addition to serving as an elected official, Keefer has worked in the banking industry, as a college faculty member, as a real estate agent and recently in the travel industry. He lives in Hancock with his family.