by Geoff Fox
The possibility of Lanco Pennland’s cheese plant connecting to the town’ s water and sewer lines when they are extended along Warfordsburg Road was up for discussion during a workshop town officials held last Thursday, July 28.
When the area north of town on Warfordsburg Road was annexed into the Town of Hancock a few years ago, there was an agreement that the town would extend utilities to that area.
Town Attorney Ed Kuczynski said last week there was an annexation plan, but no agreement with particular details.
Kuczynski said there was no clear indication as to who is providing what in terms of municipal services.
Kuczynski said the property was exempt from town taxation until water and sewer is available to serve it.
Councilman David Kerns said any new lines would have to run to a small lot near the Pennsylvania line. This would include everything to the north of the LancoPennland driveway to the Pennsylvania line, then back to Hancock Chevrolet, Kerns said.
The town could provide water and sewer to the property using a two-inch line and if any companies or developers were to use more, they would have to pay for the upgrade in size.
Mayor Tim Smith said once a developer commits to the business park and the town has utilities there for them to access, that developer would have 18 months to build a structure.
Kerns said if a warehouse were to be built, a two-inch line would be plenty as they only use water for restrooms.
Kerns also mentioned there are gas lines out that way and it’ s on Columbia Gas’ radar to replace lines, hopefully at the same time a contractor buries new town water and sewer lines.