If you need assistance with purchasing supplies contact the school. The assignment notebook will be provided by the school to all students at no cost. Materials should be brought in on the first day of school.
For all classes grades 6-8 – pencils (not mechanical pencils), hand held pencil sharpener, one large three ring binder notebook with zipper that will hold
extra supplies, pencil case and assignment notebook, one set of headphones or earbuds, one pack of highlighters, colored pencils, one pack of d
ry erase markers and one pack of wide rule notebook paper.
Sixth grade
English/language arts – one, one-inch three-ring binder (for EL A only), one steno pad or one, one subject notebook (Shockey), two composition notebooks and one bottle of Elmer’s glue.
Math – one five-subject spiral notebook, one pocket folder and plenty of pencils.
Science – one pocket folder with metal fasteners, plenty of sharpened no. 2 pencils and notebook paper.
Social Studies – one folder and plenty of pencils.
Band – one, one-inch royal blue three-ring binder, 15 plastic sheet protectors, 10 reeds 2.5-3 strength (if playing clarinet or saxophone, brass players – valve oil, essential elements book 1 for your instrument and concert clothes.
Art – pencils and erasers, one ultra-fine sharpie marker-black and one set of permanent markers.
Spanish – one pocket folder and one, one-subject notebook and earbuds.
Seventh grade
English/language arts – one, one-inch three-ring binder (for EL A only), two composition notebooks, and one bottle of Elmer’ s glue (ELA only).
Math – one, five-subject spiral notebook and plenty of no. 2 pencils.
Science – one pocket folder with metal fasteners, plenty of sharpened no. 2 pencils, earbuds and notebook paper.
Social Studies – one folder and plenty of pencils.
Band – one, one-inch royal blue three-ring binder, 15 plastic sheet protectors, 10 reeds 2.5-3 strength (if playing clarinet or saxophone, brass players – valve oil, essential elements book 2 for your instrument and concert clothes.
Art – pencils and erasers, one ultra-fine sharpie marker-black and one set of permanent markers.
Spanish – one pocket folder and one, one-subject notebook and earbuds.
Eighth grade
English/language arts – colored pencils, one steno pad or one, one-subject notebook (Shockey), one pack of five tab dividers, one, 1.5 inch binder (for EL A only), two composition notebooks and one bottle of Elmer’s glue.
Algebra (honors) – one, five-subject spiral notebook, one pocket folder with metal fasteners and one unopened pack of four AAA batteries.
Math – one, five-subject spiral notebook, one pocket folder and plenty of no. 2 pencils.
Social Studies – one pocket folder and plenty of pencils, pencil box with name on it to be kept in class.
Science – one pocket folder.
Band – one, one-inch royal blue three-ring binder, 15 plastic sheet protectors, 10 reeds 2.5-3 strength (if playing clarinet or saxophone, brass players – valve oil, essential elements book 3 for your instrument and concert clothes.
Arts – pencils and erasers, one ultra-fine sharpie marker-black, one set of permanent markers.
Spanish – one pocket folder and one, one-subject notebook and earbuds.