A Warfordsburg man was charged with driving under the influence after an accident on Old 126 in Warfordsburg.
According to Pennsylvania State Police, the accident occurred on June 21 just after 6:30 p.m. as Curtis T. Melton, 66, was traveling north on Old 126 in a 2005 Hyundai Tucson when it drifted off the northbound travel lane and struck an abandoned guide rail located just off the road.
Police said the initial point of impact occurred as the Tucson’ s right front bumper struck the guide rail post.
The vehicle came to a final uncontrolled rest against the guide rail post, police said.
Police allege a member of Melton’s family towed the vehicle from the accident scene prior to their arrival. The vehicle suffered disabling damage, police said.
Melton was located shortly after and charged with driving under the influence. He suffered possible minor injuries from the accident, police said.
Trooper Diehl was assisted at the scene by Trooper McKeehan.